My Females!

CH Krieger’s Ridge Mahpiya

Piya has a very pleasing head with a dark eye, good length of neck, and a nice topline. She is moderate in size and bone and carries a lovely coat. Piya has a good nose and loves to hunt.

Breeder: Barbara D Krieger

Date of Birth: 03/31/2008

Color: Black

Hips: OFA FR-4688G24F-VPI
Patellae: OFA FR-PA1525/24F/P-VPI
Elbow: OFA FR-EL1720F24-VPI
Eye: OFA FR-Eye409/77F-VPI
Gonioscopy: Unaffected

Chat(R), Piya (L) and Barb hunting in Manitoba, Canada
Photo by: Craig Koshyk